No Child Left Behind Omits Critical Skill Says Author, Jim Sarris of "Memory Skills Made Easy"

       By: Gabriel J. Adams
Posted: 2006-12-06 21:30:33
When Jim Sarris, veteran teacher and creator of Memory Skills Made Easy , showed 8th graders a simple memory strategy for an upcoming test, their reaction was an immediate, "Wow! This is easy. How come we never learned this in school?"

The most successful kids in the school have efficient ways to file and later retrieve what they need. Maybe some one showed them or maybe they developed their own system. The point is, if your child is underperforming, it may be because they haven't developed their own system and this program can help them do that.

These 8th graders are not the only students wondering why memory skills are not part of the curriculum at their school. What they may not know is memory training has never been a part of a school's mission.

"Students have to learn how to process information," says Pat Wyman, best selling author of Learning vs Testing. "Some do it well and excel on all types of tests. But many others struggle and just assume they have a bad memory.

These kids never learn how much easier school could be when they are able to process and later recall information without frustration and confusion. Unfortunately, they won't be learning anytime soon. With the focus on covering the curriculum for No Child Left Behind assessments, teachers are forced to take a lot of their time and teach to the test.

"Getting through the curriculum is a problem in all schools," says Susan Miller, a learning specialist at Horace Greeley High School. "Kids may pick up a memory strategy or two as they cover certain material, but they never develop the skills to apply these strategies to all subjects. And if they have a learning deficiency of some type, the strategies are twice as important."

The most successful students are the ones that can recall information quickly and easily. This allows them to spend more time thinking about questions and formulating answers.

According to Sarris, with just a few techniques, students feel more confident when they sit for tests. "Anyone knows that the more prepared you feel, the better you do. When students know they can remember key points without a struggle, it frees up their mind to perform at its best."

Sarris has also found in his own classes how kids with learning disabilities use memory skills to incorporate their own creativity when learning new information. "They are much more engaged when they can interact with the material they are studying. It helps them stay focused," he said.

"Memory skills are one of the keys to success in school," adds Sarris. "The most successful kids in the school have efficient ways to file and later retrieve what they need. Maybe some one showed them or maybe they developed their own system. The point is, if your child is underperforming, it may be because they haven't developed their own system and this program can help them do that."

Sarris continues, "Improving your child's memory doesn't have to be left to the school. It can be done quickly and easily at home with the right resources. Parents will find that utilizing the techniques presented in the Memory Skills Made Easy program takes very little time and can make a world of difference for their children."

Jim Sarris has been a high school teacher for 15 years and is the author of two books on memory, Comic Mnemonics for Spanish Verbs and Memory Skills Made Easy.
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