The Daily Beast Ranks America's 75 Worst Commutes

       By: The Daily Beast
Posted: 2010-01-21 04:08:06
With the help of traffic-tracking firm INRIX, The Daily Beast has ranked the U.S. cities with the worst rush-hour congestion.

The top ten worst commutes are:

#1, Hollywood Freeway, Los Angeles

#2, Lunalilo Freeway (H-1), Honolulu

#3, Capital Beltway, surrounds Washington DC

#4, I-35, Austin

#5, James Lick Freeway (US 101), San Francisco

#6, Cross Bronx Expressway, New York City

#7, I-5, Seattle

#8, I-95, Bridgeport, CT

#9, Kennedy Expressway, Chicago

#10, Airport Expressway (State Road 112), Miami

In addition to overall ranking, the study also looks at weekly hours of bottleneck congestion, worst bottleneck, length of worst bottleneck, weekly hours of congestion on worst bottleneck, and the speed of worst bottleneck when congested.

An in-depth look at methodology:

The Daily Beast initially identified the 75 worst cities. The order is based on the peak hour Travel Time Index (TTI) for the metropolitan area each highway is in. TTI is a measure of how much longer it takes to complete a road journey during peak congestion hours compared to free-flow hours.

Then, The Daily Beast found the worst highway in each, defined as the most hours of bottleneck congestion, as reported by INRIX. The rankings then provide a still deeper look -- the worst segment listed for the worst highway in each metropolitan area.
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