EOJT Chairman and CEO Endorses Bill Winter for Colorado's 6th Congressional District

       By: James Dyson
Posted: 2006-10-29 01:33:42
Jeff Bell, Chairman and CEO of EOJT, a Colorado based Limited Liability Company, announced his endorsement of Bill Winter for the Colorado Congressional 6th District Seat. "Bill Winter is a Veteran and has a common sense approach to government. In my conversations and meetings with Bill he understands the value of a Veteran Owned Small Business and the potential for bringing high tech jobs to Colorado. Bill also is able to recognize when one of his constituents needs help in trying to present proven and deployed life saving gear to our servicemen and women.

Mr. Winter's opponent obviously neither cares nor understands the plight of Veteran Owned Small Businesses and the community/customers they serve. What is especially frustrating is when the only Federal Representative -- no matter the party - that does not respond to your request for help is your own Congressman -- that is quite disturbing but seems to be a common thread with Bill's opponent - Mr. Tancredo. EOJT is a company that has gear that is currently saving lives in Iraq and Afghanistan -- but we needed help to continue R&D efforts to expand the technology of our gear -- we needed to know who we could ask for assistance in this matter -- what options were out there for us -- we were not looking for nor do we want a hand-out -- just some help from our elected officials. Bill Winter received my letter and agreed to meet with me to discuss these matters. Discussions of these types do not seem to matter to Mr. Tancredo -- but I bet it matters to those that serve on the front lines in active and reserve component units and I bet it matters to our National Guard troopers here in Colorado.

Mr. Tancredo should pay a little more attention to what is going on in his home state of Colorado -- especially his own district. If you do not care about saving the lives of Americans -- then you surely cannot sincerely care about having a "Secure America". From where I come from it is all about deeds -- not words. Bill Winter along with the staffs of Senator Ken Salazar and Senator Wayne Allard has proven to me they are men and people of deeds. They walk the line -- Mr. Tancredo seems to not know where the line is."

EOJT is a Veteran Owned Small Business located in Centennial, CO. EOJT engineers and manufactures a proprietary line of electronic counter measure (ECM) gear that mitigates and prevents remote controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs) from detonating. EOJT is a Pointer Industries Company. Mr. Bell resides in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
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