Concierges Provide a Needed Service in All Communities

       By: ABC
Posted: 2006-10-01 01:09:33
If you think you cannot afford a personal assistant, think again. How many times a week do you have after-school events to attend? And if you have two or more children, then chances are these events are at different locations. Maybe you don't have children, but you are involved on multiple community functions and organizations. On top of these time-consuming things, you have the responsibilities of work and home, e.g., grocery shopping, child and/or elder care, laundry, cooking, car maintenance, et cetera.

We live in a society of "more is better" and we even apply this attitude to our daily lifestyle. The more activities our children are involved in, the more well-rounded they will be. The more we work, the more we will be able to buy or do. However, this line of thinking has created a society in which we have no leisure or family time because we are over-worked and over-involved. To add to this conumdrum, businesses have cut back their number of employees and put extra demands on the employees remaining. This has resulted in employees having to work extra hours and on weekends in order to complete their job obligations. To say we live in a rat race world is a huge understatement.

Americans typically have a self-sufficient attitude. We think we can handle everything ourselves and we rarely ask for help. In fact, many people are teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown because they feel so out of control due to their busy lives. Yet these same people would not even think of asking for help. Often a little help is all they need to gain back some control.

Wouldn't it be nice to go home to a pantry and refridgerator full of groceries or maybe even meals cooked and ready to heat up for dinner? How about knowing that your elderly parents are being checked on and their groceries and pharmaceuticals are delivered to them, and their postal and banking errands are being tended to while you work. And wouldn't it be nice to come out of work after a long day, and have your automobile washed, filled up, the oil changed, the tires rotated, or the repairs taken care of? Think of the time you could save if someone took care of all these things while you worked.

The work/life balance in today's society is far from level. We all need help with daily responsibilities as well as the unexpected obligations and emergencies that arise. Because of this needed assistance, a whole new service industry is sweeping across the nation. Personal assistance and errand running services, also known as concierge services, have been in the metropolitan cities for 10-15 years, but they are now popping up in small towns and rural areas as well. The time crunch does not stop at the city limits and people everywhere are beginning to accept help with their daily responsibilities because there is simply not enough time in the day.

Concierge services are nearly limitless. Desiree Reynolds of Savoir-faire Concierge, Inc in Kokomo, IN, says "I do everything from grocery shopping, postal and banking errands, mobile notary service, and clerical work, to the special errands involved in party preparation, travel/special event ticket reservations, checking on loved ones who are home-bound or hospitalized, and short- and long-term housesitting. Creating time in your life for more important things is the goal of Savoir-faire Concierge."

Concierge services are no longer limited to the rich and famous. Everyday middle-income families and senior citizens find concierge services affordable and convenient. By the time the cost of fuel and automobile maintenance and insurance are considered, the concierge services are very economical. When one considers the value of their time in addition to the autombile savings, concierge services pay for themselves.

Just think about it. If you had someone to handle your daily, weekly, monthly errands, then you would free up some time for hobbies, leisure, family--the important things in life. Concierge services can put quality back into your life. Once you release those reigns of control and ask for assistance, and you experience less stress and more time, you will wonder why you waited so long.
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