BRW features Kirk Food and bwired finding smarter ways to make money online

       By: Campbell Wilson
Posted: 2009-06-17 05:04:30
The corporate world is increasingly turning to the web to boost business, and we know why. This week's issue of the BRW features a case study on one of our clients, Kirk Food, detailing how their website has helped them and why they are focusing on website strategy "to double business without having to deploy extra resources or find more staff".

Kirk Food told BRW their website has boosted regular site traffic and improved operational efficiency through greater interactivity, increased functionality and integration with their in-house systems.
bwired has helped hundreds of brands succeed online by providing the benefits of over a decade of experience in website strategy. Website strategy is the key to efficiently and effectively communicating with your target audience, and as Managing Director of bwired, Sam Saltis, told BRW, "adopting a strategic approach to web-based marketing is not only cost-effective, it's often cheaper".

Your website and associated marketing tools are an inexpensive alternative to advertising, PR and research and can provide your organisation with a sustainable competitive advantage should you maximize and leverage it appropriately. Leveraging your website and adopting a strategic approach can allow your organisation to increase sales, boost brand awareness, enhance communications with customers and key stakeholders, heighten operational efficiency and provide feedback for continuous improvement without requiring an extortionate investment. This is not to suggest your website should replace alternative forms of marketing communications, rather that its significance should be recognized and used as an integrated part of your marketing communications strategy. While many are yet to realize the opportunity the web holds, increasingly organisations like Kirk Food are investing in their future in this powerful medium, reaping great returns.

In support of the argument for a strategic approach to web-based marketing, Jeanne-Vida Douglas of the BRW also points out that "while a website has become an essential presence for larger businesses, few are exploiting the fact that it has become the main tool for buyer research". Time-poor consumers are turning to the internet more and more to learn about organisations, products and services, and unless your website is search engine-friendly, engaging, easy to navigate and motivates call to action (all in under a minute) you could be losing prospects while your competitors gain market share. 
Saltis advocates strategy as the key to making your website "work smarter, not harder" and succeeding online, because "when there's no strategy, people end up paying for technologies they just don't need...[and] without a strategy to get the right customers to the website in the first place, it doesn't matter how much you spend, it just won't work".

If you want to find smarter ways to make money online see our website to learn more from our case studies, blogs and whitepapers, or for more ways to make the most of your website see this week's BRW.
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