Helicopter parents, prepare for landing

       By: Katie Schwartz
Posted: 2008-12-21 03:27:16
Business Speech Improvement
1826 Pine Needles Trail
Chattanooga, TN 37421
NEW! www.portableparent.com


Contact Person: Katie Schwartz

Release Date: January 1, 2009
Helicopter Parents, Prepare for Landing
December 17, 2008 Chattanooga, TN
Business Speech Improvement announces the publication of a unique online book, Portable Parent, to calm the fears of anxious parents as their children leave for college and first apartments. The book has received positive reviews from college students as well, who appreciate the "instant information". The book is unique as it allows parents to add their own wisdom in short sections throughout the text. Parents write a letter to their children, add favorite family recipes, and more.

This book will be of value to parents, current and future students, and freshmen deans at colleges who receive calls from parents. Parents will feel more confident that their children are well-prepared. Students will appreciate the many links on topics ranging from less expensive ways to fly home to scholarship sources, from sections on time management to girth control (healthy eating). The 28 sections also include ones on what to bring to college and a first apartment, academic skills such as how to lengthen or shorten a term paper, and tips on making friends. There are special sections for students with ADD, Aspergers, and language disorders. Student Will Hatch reported, "Hey - it's like a parent that you can get information from when you want it.... even at the times of morning that you need advice but don't want the lecture you'd get about calling at that time of night."

Author Katie Schwartz, owner of Business Speech Improvement, adjunct professor, and writer of three professional books, wrote the book at the request of her own college-age children. They asked for more sections and showed the book to their friends. Other parents heard of it and requested copies as well.

Portable Parent, a new division of Business Speech Improvement, can be downloaded at www.portableparent.com. Members of the media wanting complimentary copies for review should type in "media" as the coupon code on checkout. Schwartz can be contacted at info@BusinessSpeechImprovement.com or 423-894-8024. ###
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