Pregnancy and Are You Getting Enough Vitamins and Nutrients?

       By: Sunnie Southern
Posted: 2008-01-16 19:16:52
Are you getting enough vitamins and nutrients in your pre-natal vitamin? Or, have you ever wondered what exactly all of those vitamins and nutrients do to help keep you and your growing baby healthy? Here are the answers to those questions.

Every vitamin, every mineral, every nutrient has an important job to do now, for you and your growing baby. Unless otherwise noted, the function of the nutrients can be found in The RDA 10th Edition 1989.

Vitamin A
• Supports healthy skin, eyesight, bone growth, and immune system

Vitamins B1, B2, and Niacin
• Play a central role in the release of energy from food
• Help the nervous system function properly
• Help keep appetite and digestion normal

Vitamin B6
• Helps reduce nausea in pregnant women (Sahakian 1991)
• Helps form red blood cells

Vitamin B12
• Maintains nervous system
• Helps form red blood cells

Vitamin C
• Helps body resist infection and heal wounds
• Helps body absorb iron
• Provides antioxidant protection

Vitamin D
• Helps the body absorb calcium from the digestive tract
• Helps build baby's bones and teeth

Vitamin E
• Provides antioxidant protection

Folic Acid
• Helps protect against birth defects of the brain or spinal cord (March of Dimes 2005)
• Helps prevent certain kinds of anemia

• Helps build strong bones and teeth
• Is needed for blood clotting processes
• Is needed for muscle contraction

• Helps the body transport and use iron

• Helps red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells and to the developing fetus
• Helps prevent anemia

• Supports growth, healthy immune functioning and wound healing

• Helps nerves and muscles function
• Energy

• Provides important omega-3 long chain fatty acids (DHA & EPA) for healthy brain and eye development in babies (Hornstra 2000; Uauy 2001)
• Benefits adult heart health (Kris-Etherton 2002; Hibblen 2006)

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