Press » Religion & Faith
Article VI Documentary Addresses Faith and Politics
Views: 2166
2008-01-13 01:09:17
Living Biography Media
Living Biography Media today announced the completion of the feature documentary Article VI: Faith.Politics.America. The film is an intense discussion of the role of faith in politics. Article VI will be released January 15, 2008 on DVD, online, and in select theatres across the country.
Director Bryan Hall has been working on the project for over two years, interviewing religious leaders and scholars as well as many regular citizens not usually heard from. The resulting documentary arrives at a time when this debate surrounding the intersection of politics and religion is heating up the campaign trail.
"The film started out as my journey to understand the many different beliefs of people from across the country," Hall said. "I was amazed by the extremely diverse and very passionate opinions people have on this topic. I tried to provide an outlet for the debate and to successfully capture that passion."
Ranging from shocking street encounters, to tender moments of compassion and understanding, Article VI reveals not only the conflict inherent in the interplay of religion and politics, but also the conflict inherent in the human beings who make up the American body politic, as they seek to advocate their core beliefs.
"This documentary comes along at just the right time to provide a thoughtful examination of the issues in an engaging format," said Reed Dickens, Producer and former White House Assistant Press Secretary. "Everyone should see Article VI before voting."
Directors Hall and Jack Donaldson have created not only a very timely and thought-provoking documentary, but also one that will surprise most viewers in its powerful ability to see themselves in many aspects of the film. In the heat of the current presidential campaign, Article VI makes an unbiased presentation on a volatile topic. It asks voters whether they would have denied America some of the greatest presidents in history because of their religious beliefs. Article VI of the constitution ignites the film's exploration of the current political environment, religious bigotry, and intolerance in America.
To view the trailer please go to: http://www.articlevithemovie.com/trailer.php
The film will also be pre-screened in New York, Orange County, Atlanta, Dallas, Washington DC, Shreveport and Salt Lake City.
To schedule an interview with Bryan Hall, please contact Audrey Mullen or Dave Mohel at 703-548-1160.
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Article Vi
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