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Blog, Stock and Download - NightGlass Media Group Uses Blog & Digital Architecture To Create Stock Footage Community
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2006-06-04 06:32:35
NightGlass Media Group
June 3, 2006 -- NightGlass Media Group recently launched a web site & blog, creating a community around a stock footage library. Exclusively using digital download as the delivery medium, the NightGlass Image Center, http://nightglassimagecenter.com, will provide High Definition and Standard Definition video footage for download directly to your computer, plus the opportunity to e-meet and converse with like-minded people across the globe.
The NightGlass Image Center will have a Blog component where interested people can see where the camera guys have been via video travel logs, share thoughts and comments, and request specific shots that they need. “It’s all about community these days,” said Matt Gore, President of the NightGlass Media Group. “People look for niches that interest them or will help them in their business or some area of their lives. On our new site, you can truly plug-in with friends world-wide. It’s a very cool feeling of camaraderie.”
“We see this as a step forward in the evolution of the digital media industry,” added Gore. “Our craft of television and video production has revolutionized itself over and over again and now cross-pollinated with the internet. As more and more people look to the computer for entertainment, news and general viewing, we need to be ahead of the curve with our business model and service offerings.”
One example of this cross-pollination is Podcasting. “Podcasting has opened our industry to new players who are just getting started and don’t have a lot of experience in production,” said Gore. “There are also numerous corporate communicators and marketers who are being asked to do more with less. So the creation of an affordable stock footage source is a great idea. We have worked for years on so many different productions and basically have a library of shots that we own that will be very helpful.”
The NightGlass Image Center will be unique in that the footage will only be available as a download. Each shot is priced at $49.99. “We are not trying to be like any of the other stock houses that provide search services, preview reels and tape delivery. Those folks cater to a different level of producer. With the digital delivery avenue, we will be able to keep costs lower,” said Rob Mottola, Director of Operations at NightGlass. “Most of the high end stock houses acquire on film as well, our footage is all video, but there is a huge market where those shots will work perfectly.”
The NightGlass Image Center currently offers close to 100 shots varying from beaches, sunsets and mountains to early American reenactments, and most recently added, motion graphic background category. “Great looking footage is coming in at a fast pace and we’re uploading shots as quickly as we can,” said Gore. “We have also partnered with several of our trusted freelance camera operators to bring in new footage.”
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