How to Feed 3 Million Children in 33 Days -- One Woman Leads Campaign to feed America's Hungry, Launches Nov. 29, 2006

       By: Gabriel J. Adams
Posted: 2006-11-26 22:46:20
How do you feed 3,000,000 starving children in the USA in 33 days? Inspired by the groundbreaking new movie, "The Secret," Spryte Loriano envisioned a world where all children receive the nourishment for their bodies, to fuel the expansion of their minds, to ignite the fires in their hearts, to live as the greatest possibility of their spirits. Therin lies the answer.

We hoped for significant reach with our program, and it's organizations like Feed the Children who have been heads-down for decades, establishing a precedence for what needs to be done. We intend to give our all to these folks, and hope to greatly extend the ripple effect

Recent government statistics and aid counsel information inform us that 13 million children in the United States go to bed hungry every night. FEED 333 is a national campaign programmed to change that, with the view that Ms. Loriano states as "one starving child is one too many".

In addition to the efforts made over the 33 days before year-end, FEED333 is assisting the "Miracle on 138th Street", an event sponsored by Feed The Children, feeding 10,000 people in New York City, December 21st.

"We are honored to be able to assist Feed the Children in their efforts" comments Spryte. "We hoped for significant reach with our program, and it's organizations like Feed the Children who have been heads-down for decades, establishing a precedence for what needs to be done. We intend to give our all to these folks, and hope to greatly extend the ripple effect".

FEED333's donations will be divided among three SELECT well-established, sound American based charities with the World Trust Foundation acting as Fiscal Sponsor. FEED 333 is partnering with The Children's Hunger Fund (Named the #1 Charity in America by Forbes Magazine), The Houston Food Bank (tied for #2 Most Effective Charity in the US by Forbes Magazine) and Feed the Children.

"Every Great story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going with passion and commitment, regardless of the obstacles" mentions Ms. Loriano. "We believe the seed of hope we'll plant in these children, and the positive effects it will have on their families, neighborhoods, schools and cities are significant. If you visit our web site, you'll see that we are not alone in this vision, and I am proud to be surrounded by the very best sponsors and partners".

The inception of the idea came as a result of watching a movie recently released on limited screens throughout North America. The Secret is an extension of the famous Andrew Carnegie success principles Napoleon Hill chronicled in his books regarding abundant thinking (Think and Grow Rich and Master Key to Riches among them). The movie interviews 55 credible business leaders and teachers on how they have applied and molded this basic philosophy, and where and when they found the "sweet spot" of success in their own lives.

Ms. Loriano found the movie deeply moving. Within the core of the message was a simple element that is often missing from the formula's many preach: take action. In this case, the action was to establish a big enough project that it would require intense, focused commitment, and many people with exceptional reach. Within days Spryte was able to corral luminaries including Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) Robert Allen (Multiple Streams of Income) and Tess Cacciatore of World Trust Foundation to her cause.
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