Laser Hair Removal. is it a Permanent Solution To Unwanted Hair?

       By: Dr Jerry Perez MD
Posted: 2010-08-04 23:42:34
Laser hair removal has evolved over the last 15 years as technology has improved.The biggest question in everyone's mind that is considering laser is whether it is permanent or not.The facts are that most patients will receive a permanent hair reduction as the hair follicles are destroyed and any new hair growth will most likely be very thin and give the patient that smooth look that they want.Over 90 per cent of patients who undergo the treatment (provided that the right equipment is used and at the correct intervals) will receive permanent hair reduction on the areas treated.Some patients will not get the same results but still will see an improvement after the treatment. It is unclear why certain patients do not respond the same way and need more sessions to see any results but it is impossible to predict who will respond well and who won't; Research shows that patients with darker hair respond better than patients of lighter hair such as blond, grey, or red hair.

Over all most patients that receive the treatment are happy with the results and say it was well worth the money and that it is a much better option to shaving, waxing, or electrolysis. There are many companies that offer the treatment but only a few that have been around for a while and you can trust to get the best results. Do your own research but my personal favorite is
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