New Nasal Spray Uses Hot Peppers & Maitake Mushrooms to Fight Winter Colds

       By: Gabriel J. Adams
Posted: 2006-11-13 21:31:33
With winter cold season just beginning, health conscious consumers are once again on the lookout for a natural answer to the common cold. Most health savvy people stock up on proven natural supplements such as Golden Seal, Echinacea and Zinc. Now there's a brand new nasal spray designed to provide all the necessary herbals in one application with the addition of natural Capsaicin, the active heat producing ingredient in hot peppers.

We were careful to follow homeopathic rules as structured by the FDA allowing us to add certain herbal ingredients that have been proven to support the immune system. Although our anti-cold formula is fully registered under National Drug Code guidelines -- we are not claiming FDA approval, but we are claiming success
This new nasal spray made under the "Sinus Buster" brand, uses a combination of natural hot pepper extracts, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Maitake Mushroom, and Green Tea to deliver a powerful punch to the common winter cold.

"Our new anti-cold formula is designed to fight cold and flu symptoms while also helping to shorten the span of colds. Everyone knows about Echinacea, Golden Seal and even Maitake mushrooms, but most people take these in the form of pills and other supplements. We're talking about maximum delivery through the nose. Most importantly, our formula is filled with natural Vitamin C and Zinc from the mushrooms and the addition of natural citrus extracts. Of course the most important ingredient is our special hot pepper extract. Nothing opens you up and flushes out bacteria like hot peppers," says Wayne Perry, president of SiCap Industries, manufacturers of the Sinus Buster product line.

When Sinus Buster launched their original hot pepper formula back in 2003, it was billed as the world's first hot pepper nasal spray. While this original formula was designed to fight headaches and chronic sinus conditions, the manufacturer soon learned that hot peppers were good for a variety of ailments. Today the Sinus Buster line has expanded into nearly a dozen products including this latest "Cold & Flu" formula.

"It was a natural progression as we found out just how powerful the active ingredient in hot peppers was. Capsaicin is an incredible natural medicinal substance. We figured if we could add some other proven cold fighting herbs to the Original formula, we may actually be able to fight and prevent cold symptoms. It took a couple years of experimentation, but it was well worth it. This formula can relieve the worst cold symptoms while shortening the span of a cold for most people with no side effects," adds Perry.

The new Sinus Buster "Anti-Cold" formula is homeopathically mixed to create a safe and natural alternative to common cold medicines that generally mask symptoms without getting to the root of the problem. Although SiCap officials are careful to point out that this is not a cure for the common cold, they do insist this new formula can relieve and prevent the onset of most symptoms when used as directed.

"We were careful to follow homeopathic rules as structured by the FDA allowing us to add certain herbal ingredients that have been proven to support the immune system. Although our anti-cold formula is fully registered under National Drug Code guidelines -- we are not claiming FDA approval, but we are claiming success," adds Perry.

The new Sinus Buster Anti-Cold nasal spray can be purchased through a variety of online retailers, and in hundreds of supermarkets and pharmacies throughout the United States.
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