TV Ads Target House Members Who Voted for Obamacare

       By: League of American Voters
Posted: 2010-03-02 03:26:33
The League of American Voters ( launched a major TV-ad campaign today urging thirteen House members to vote "No" on the Obama-Pelosi plan to take over healthcare.

House Democrats who voted with Nancy Pelosi to narrowly pass Obamacare last November, who represent congressional districts whose citizens overwhelming oppose Obamacare, are initial targets of the ads. The League is preparing TV ads to run in an additional seventeen congressional districts.

"Americans believe in 'second chances,' but their patience is running thin," said Bob Adams, executive Director for the League of American Voters. "So man-up to Pelosi's pressure, and join the landslide of Americans who oppose the Obama-Pelosi plan."

The first wave of the League's TV ads zero-in on Congressmen Mike Arcuri (NY), Christopher Carney (PA), Baron Hill (IN), Steve Kagen (WI), Paul Kanjorski (PA), Alan Mollohan (WV), Nick Rahall (WV), Tom Perriello (VA), Dan Maffei (NY), Mark Schauer (MI), Zach Space (OH), Harry Teague (NM), and Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (PA).

"Congressmen, if you think you've got trouble now back home in your district, cast the deciding vote for Obamacare," said Adams. "If you want to protect seniors from $500 billion in Medicare cuts, vote 'No.' If you want to stop job-killing tax increases on working families in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression, vote 'No'."

The script for the TV ad, called "Stop Them Now!" reads:

Announcer: Our Congressman Christopher Carney voted for Obama and Pelosi's healthcare takeover.

Graphic: Christopher Carney for Obama Healthcare Takeover

Announcer: Billions in Medicare cuts.

Graphic: "$500 Billion Cut to Medicare" - Wall Street Journal, 7/23/09

Announcer: Healthcare rationing.

Graphic: "...explicitly limiting patient access to treatment." - Wall Street Journal, 6/29/09

Announcer: Big taxes on good insurance plans.

Graphic: "Unions fear health tax would target middle class." - NPR, 1/12/10

Announcer: America said "slow down"

Graphic: "58% Oppose the Obama Plan." - Rasmussen Report, 1/22/10

Announcer: But now Pelosi and Obama are at it again, and they want Carney as the deciding vote, in a last minute deal to take over your healthcare.

Graphic: Call Christopher Carney at (570) 585-9988

Announcer: Call Christopher Carney and tell him to vote "No" on the Obama-Pelosi Plan.

Graphic: Tell Christopher Carney to Vote NO! (570) 585-9988.

The League of American Voters ( is a Washington-based membership organization with nearly 50,000 members nationwide, and is organized as a 501(c)4 grassroots lobbying organization.
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