Blending entertainment and education to make the most of the internet

       By: The Homework Factory Ltd.
Posted: 2009-04-09 08:14:58
The World Wide Web has recently seen the launch of a new resource for students (aged 11 to 16 years old), parents and education professionals. The Homework Factory Ltd is a UK based company that is utilizing the power and popularity of the internet to provide the information and resources to assist students, parents and education professionals to ensure that students are able to achieve their full potential in formal education.

With the growing availability of digital media - such as games consoles, internet based social networking sites and many others - there are now more distractions for students than ever before. Whilst they may be entertaining, these distractions can cause students to neglect their studies.
Throughout the UK small to medium businesses are wasting £1.5billion per annum as a result of internet based distractions. Whilst this is worrying, the affect on students is more worrying. In the 2008 Digital Entertainment Survey it was found that female teenagers aged 15 to 19 spent on average 32% less time on homework than they had previously purely as a result of social networking websites. By blending entertainment and education together in one website The Homework Factory hopes to reduce the negative effects of the internet and provide students with a resource that is truly beneficial.

Feedback has thus far been very positive with comments such as:
Jack, 14 of Manchester said, "It is a great site that students should really take advantage of. I know that in the past I have ignored studies so I can go on **** (popular social networking site name removed), but this site is great, I can still make friends and keep in touch with my current friends whilst also getting help with my studies."
"I had a look at and wish that it was around when I was at school." said Chantelle Guy of The G.U.Y Project.

When asked for a comment, Leigh Elkins (founder of The Homework Factory) said: "The buzz being created around the website is brilliant. There has been some fantastic feedback and the site is growing day by day. There are some big plans for the future of The Homework Factory but for now the focus is on providing an online service that really helps students."

In addition to providing many services for students The Homework Factory is also for education professionals and parents. "The aim is to ensure students can make the most of their education. To do this we need not only the students to take the initiative but also for parents and professionals to realize the power of the internet and use it as a tool rather than an entertainment system. We provide up to date education news and relevant articles as well as forums for parents and education professionals to interact and get information and assistance from their peers."
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